In February 2008 the developers group was formed (Act. 1.1) for working out ILAN complex conception and structure. 12 members of the developers group were selected from the representatives of each partner University and included supervisors with expert skills in foreign language teaching, experienced foreign language teachers and experts in engineering pedagogy. For selection of the best results in foreign language teaching in technical Universities SWOT-analyses was carried out. In the framework of this activity at the analytical kick-off meeting of responsible representatives of EU and Russian Universities in Moscow (RU2) in April 2008 (Act. 1.2) the results of SWOT-analysis were studied and discussed, proposals on ILAN course conception for different target groups were approved as the basis for ILAN complex development.

During April-May 2008 the members of the developers group carried out activities in their home Universities on forming the composition and structure of modules for ILAN course (Act. 1.3). At the end of April 2008 special workshop of the developers was organized in Moscow (RU2) for running coordination of this work.

For getting the experience of European Universities and improvement of professional skills in modern technologies of English language teaching basic trainings of Russian foreign language teachers were carried out (Act. 1.4): in May 2008 in Klagenfurt (AT1) and in June 2008 in Linkoping (SE3). Selected developers, English language teachers and representatives of academic mobility administrative group were trained by Austrian and Sweden experts and received basic experience for the development of ILAN complex and usage of new teaching technologies including multimedia means of teaching.

In July and August 2008 the work on forming of general concept and structure of ILAN complex was continued. Developed materials on ILAN conception and structure were studied by EU monitoring expert commission. In September 2008 final version of the conception was represented by the Head of the developers during Validation conference (Act. 1.5) organized in Moscow (RU2) in the framework of the Annual 37th Symposium on Engineering Pedagogy. The following elements of ILAN complex were defined: the main statements of the concept, curricula fir 3 target groups, unit structure of the main course book, topics of the main course book, map of the main course book. Finally the concept of ILAN complex was approved by responsible representatives (top-managers) of all the consortium Universities and became the basis for the development of ILAN course contents.












































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